WHERE TO APPLY17B North Plains Industrial Road
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 697-082
WHERE TO APPLY500 Main Street, Yalesville, CT 06492 | p: 508- 792-5443 Option#3
WHERE TO APPLYIBEW Local 35 | Hartford’s Most Experienced Electricians IBEW LOCAL 90 IBEW JATC Local Union 488
Elevator Constructors Local 91 JAC
914 Main St., Room 203
East Hartford CT 06108
John DeRosa, Business Manager | (860) 289-8689 |
WHERE TO APPLYInternational Union of Painters and Allied Trades 1492 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, CT 06037 | p:860-828-9222
Connecticut Plumbers and Pipe Fitters LU 777 JATC
1250 East Main Street, Meriden, CT 06450 | p: 203-317-4750
State of Connecticut Schedule of Work Experience-Heating-Cooling Mechanic
State of Connecticut Schedule of Work Experience- Heating Mechanic
Operating Engineers of Connecticut Local 478
240 Cheshire Road, Meriden, CT 06451 | p: 203-237-3962
Operating Engineers of Connecticut Local 478
240 Cheshire Road, Meriden, CT 06451 | p: 203-237-3962
Asbestos Workers JATC Local 33
616 South Colony Road, Wallingford, CT 06492 | p: 203-265-6376
WHERE TO APPLYUnited Steel, Inc. Iron Workers Local Union 424 Iron Workers JATC Local Union 15 |
Length of program – 2 ½ – 3 Years
4000 Hours of on-the-job training
160 hours of classroom instructions per year 320 hours total
Starting pay 60% of journeyman rate with increases every 1000 hours
REQUIREMENTSMust be at least 18 years old |
WHERE TO APPLYNew England Laborers Training |
Connecticut Plumbers and Pipefitters LU 777 JATC
1250 East Main Street, Meriden, CT 06457 | p: 203-317-4750
Holliston Millwright Training Center
150 Hopping Brook Rd.
Holliston, MA 01746
(617) 254-0042
Lisa Coulter, Training Administrator | | (617) 254-0042
Finishing Trades Institute of S.N.E., Inc.
1492 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, CT 06037 | p: 860-828-9222
Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, LU 1 CT JATC
17 North Plains Road, Wallingford, CT 06492 | p: 203-697-0820
Apprentices are on a rotating class schedule. They attend class for a week at a time 7:45 AM to 3:30 Monday through Friday. They then work in the field for seven weeks and return to school
the following week.
There is no cost for training other than books.
Apprentice pays are based on a percentage of journeyperson wages; first year rate is 45%, second year rate is 55%, third year rate is 65% four year rate is 75% and fifth year rate is 80%.
In order to qualify for a raise on their anniversary date, apprentices must have a minimum of 1700 of on-the-job training for that year, must have passed all classes with a “C” or better average, must not owe any school time and must have all time sheets and evaluations in for that time period.
Full medical benefits are extended to an apprentice after a probationary period.
Local 777 members have 2 pension plans and an annuity plan. Apprentices will receive an annuity when they reach journeyperson status.
WHERE TO APPLYConnecticut Plumbers and Pipefitters LU 777 JATC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION |
114 Old Forge Rd, Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Phone: (860) 721-1174
Fax: (860)721-6182
19 Bernhard Rd, North Haven, CT 06473
Phone: (203) 772-2565
Fax: (203) 772-2574
Operating Engineers of Connecticut JATC Local 478
240 Cheshire Road, Meriden, CT 06451 | p: 203-237-3962
ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONState of Connecticut Schedule of Work Experience |
WHERE TO APPLYSheet Metal Workers Local Union 40 JATC Sheet Metal Workers LU #38 Craft Training Fund |
Connecticut Plumbers and Pipefitters LU 777 JATC
1250 East Main Street, Meriden, CT 06450 | p: 203-317-4750